Why choose CorQs FlyFishing Strike Indicators?

An all-natural, strike indicator will definitely help a fly fishing novice catch more fish on nymphs and puts another tool at the disposal of the intermediate or expert nymph fisher.

When is a strike indicator needed? When fishing deeper water in long runs it might be the only way to keep contact with your flies and for deep water angling weight is usually used which can pull the tip of the line under the surface. When this happens you lose contact with you whole system. This is a good time to apply an indicator in the terminal system.

Another time an indicator is required in when fishing size twenty and smaller dry flies. In this case an indicator is necessary to keep track of the fly; a small strike indicator like our 1/2″ CorQ will work.

Last, but not least, an indicator can be used to suspend a nymph just under the surface where the trout might be feeding on an emerging insect. Again the strike indicator will usually be small to medium sized.

In all cases CorQs FlyFishing Strike Indicators have changed the equation; check out the table below to learn more about the types of flyfishing strike indicators and associated conditions.

Type Advantages Disadvantages Water
Cork (aka CorQs) Eco-friendly; floats high; easy to see; simple to adjust; natural texture doesn’t spook fish If you can find one, let us know – we believe we have designed an all-natural strike indicator that suits any situation All conditions; deep or shallow, fast to slow, clear to off-color
Foam Durable; easy to see; simple to adjust Toothpick can cause tangles by catching the line when casting; can be hard to cast accurately and quietly due to wind resistance and their weight Deep, fast waters
Pinch-on Foam Small size rarely spooks fish and can be presented quietly; easy to use Not suited for long powerful casts; do not ride as high in the water column as foam or cork; fish can become familiar with indicator and be spooked when drifting overhead. Small stream; less current
Yarn Waterpoof so it floats on water for hours; quick readjustments; very visible; detects light strikes; less invasive and disturbing; More wind-resistant than most foam indicators, making it hard to present small flies accurately; with larger flies or very fast currents, indicators can become pulled below the water’s surface making it hard to follow Small or big; less current
Putty Molded by our fingers to any point on the leader section and in any size; comes in very bright colors making it easy to see; good for easily spooked fish Expensive; does not hold to the leader well so long casts or rough conditions are not recommended Less current
Fly-line Quiet presentation for spooked fish; does not effect presentation or casting Can be hard to find in stores; indicator doesn’t always stay above water so in fast water or low light conditions, can be hard to follow and you may miss strikes Any depth; calm
Dry-Fly Easy to use; not constrained in the type of dry fly used; fish two columns of water; good for easily spooked fish Some times fish will hit dry fly instead of nymph because it’s bigger; casting two flies in tandem can lead to many tangles and knots forming in the leader section Shallow streams (less than 5 feet deep)
Plastic Bobber Durable; easy to see; sensitive; float higher than yarn; easy to cast Shadow can spook fish in clear, shallow water Fast, choppy water; high water conditions
Trout Unlimited Magazine


Back to back summer edition reviews in TROUT magazine has put CorQs Strike Indicators on the radar of most flyfishers across the globe.

"When you fish long nymph rigs like we do here on the White River, a responsive, castable indicator makes a big difference. I'm a believer."

- Bill Thorne, TROUT Magazine